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Umid Zokirov — Blogger

Umid Zokirov — Blogger

Umid Zokirov Zokirovich 1993 He was born on July 1 in Syrdarya region. The only child in the family, Umid Zokirov, studied at the Tashkent State Polytechnic Institute. He has also tried his hand at show business, playing episodic roles in various popular films and clips of protagonists, and has authored ideas in a number of clips. Umid Zokirov played the lead role in the music video for the song "Dondiqqina" performed by Shohjahon Jorayev, which led to an unexpected success. The video has many fans in a very short time. it has been. He plans to shoot a series in the coming days.

Umid Zokirov — Blogger

Киритилди: 19:46 24.06.2021. Ўқилди: 2091 марта. Фикрлар сони: 0 та.
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